Ending: Yibi achieves the only poker theme side event in Hong Kong consensus!As a leading blockchain exchange, Yibi has always been at the forefront of the integration of technology and traditional competition. At…Feb 25Feb 25
落幕:Yibi 成就香港共识唯一扑克主题边活动!作为领先的区块链交易所,Yibi 始终走在科技与传统竞技交融的前沿。在刚刚落幕的 Consensus Hong Kong 2025 大会上,我们满怀热情,与 AJPC 和 Pokerversity 携手合作,共同打造了全场唯一的扑克主题边活动 — —…Feb 25Feb 25
The AJPC Poker Tournament is in full swing!From the 19th to the 23rd of this month, Yibi x AJPC x Pokerversity are joining forces in Hong Kong to present the exciting 「SAMURAI…Feb 21Feb 21
号外!AJPC Poker Tournament 火热进行中!🥋本月19日至23日 Yibi x AJPC x Pokerversity 在Hong Kong 一同为您呈现精彩绝伦的 『武士巡回赛』𓁕Feb 21Feb 21
Chaoshan Cup S5 Day 4: Enthusiasm Reaches New Heights!The landscapes of Chaoshan are as picturesque as a painting, blending elegance and timeless charm.Jan 8Jan 8
Chaoshan Cup S5 Day 3 | Record-Breaking Popularity with 479 Entries in Main Event Group B, Ji Siyu…January 5, 2025, Shantou — The Chaoshan Cup S5 continued its thrilling pace on the third day, with the Main Event Group B preliminaries…Jan 7Jan 7
Chaoshan Cup S5 Day 2 | Goddess Tournament Ignites Again, 419 Entries in Main Event Group A, Du…January 4, 2025, marked the second day of fierce competition in the Chaoshan Cup S5. Following the excitement of the opening day, players…Jan 6Jan 6
潮汕杯S5第二日 | 女神赛再燃战火,主赛A组419人次参赛,堵炎泊领衔晋级Day22025年1月4日,潮汕杯S5迎来了第二日的激烈对抗。在首日的热烈氛围后,各路牌手继续展现非凡技巧与策略,为争夺决赛资格展开了一场场精彩角逐。Jan 6Jan 6
2025 CSSOP x YIBI x SEC Poker Championship: Day 1 Highlights in ShantouOn January 3, 2025, under the bright sunshine of Shantou, the highly anticipated Chaozhou Cup S5 Poker Championship officially kicked off…Jan 6Jan 6
2025 CSSOP x YIBI x SEC 德州扑克锦标赛汕头开幕首日精彩回顾2025年1月3日,汕头的阳光洒在赛场上,激动人心的潮汕杯S5德州扑克锦标赛正式拉开了帷幕。当天的比赛氛围充满紧张和热烈,选手们怀揣着各自的梦想,纷纷汇聚在这片战场上。无论是来自国内外的顶尖选手,还是热衷于扑克的资深玩家,大家都在这里为了同一个目标而努力:成为最强者。Jan 5Jan 5